

We welcome students who would like to earn IB 390 credit to gain research experience in laboratory or field work, experienced students who would like to perform independent research (e.g, for a summer internship or for distinction papers), or students who seek work-study employment. We require that students are available to work at least 3 hour blocks between 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays and at least 6 hours per week. If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact Dr. Yang at yangw at illinois.edu.

Graduate Students

We will be accepting new students to start in Fall 2021. Prospective students can apply through the Department of Plant Biology, Department of Geology, or the Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. If you are interested in applying, please email Dr. Yang (yangw at illinois.edu) with your resume and a brief statement of your research interests.

Post-doctoral Researchers

If you are interested in applying for a post-doctoral fellowship or grant to conduct research related to the themes in our lab, please Dr. Yang at yangw at illinois.edu. Currently all funded post-doctoral positions in the lab are filled, but we do welcome researchers to apply for their own support to work with us. Archived opportunities from the past include: