Women in Science: Upcoming Elections!

Women In Science (WIS) needs new officers for 2013! We have positions open for both graduate students and undergraduates.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in a growing organization, network with women in other departments and improve your CV!

Nominate yourself or a friend for one of the following positions:
• President: Oversees officer meetings, long-term and event planning for the organization (Grad Student)
• Vice President: Assists the president in planning for the organization (Grad Student)
• Treasurer: Presents the budget at officer meetings and reviews the organization’s finances on a regular basis (Grad Student)
• Secretary: Keeps minutes at officer and general meetings, distributes minutes, and keeps records (Grad Student)
• Outreach Coordinator: Initiates and coordinates outreach opportunities in campus and the community for WIS members to participate in (Grad or Undergrad Student)
• Fundraising Coordinator: Plans and oversees fundraising efforts by the organization (Grad or Undergrad Student)
• Webmaster: Updates the organization’s collegiatelink and facebook pages, advertises events (Grad or Undergrad Student)
• Departmental Representatives: Promote visibility of WIS and participation in WIS in the representatives’ home department (Grad and Undergrad Students—we will be accepting nominations for any department/major in science, technology, engineering or math)

Nominations are open October 11-November 5, and voting will begin at our general meeting at 4 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 7 in the heritage room of the ACES library.

For more information or to nominate yourself or a friend, please email WIS President Courtney Leisner (leisner1@illinois.edu).

Women in Science: Panel Discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 30th from 4-6pm in ACES Library Heritage Room

Please join Women in Science as we hold our first panel discussion of the fall semester!

Topic: Alternative Career Paths in the STEM Fields

This panel is meant to help women of all levels, from undergraduates to professionals, make informed decisions at every stage of their career.


Joan Huber –Coordinator, Professional Science Master’s Program
Barbara Hug –Clinical Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Cristina Beldica –Senior Project Manager, Blue Waters Sustained Petascale Computing
Alex Wild –Free lance photographer

Date: Tuesday October 30th
Time: 4-6pm
Place: ACES Library Heritage Room

Thank you, and hope to see you there!

Women In Science Panel3_flyer

Women in Science: Panel Discussion on Tuesday, March 6th from 4-6pm in 269 Everitt Lab

Please join Women in Science as we hold our first panel discussion!

Topic: What does it mean to be a Woman in Science?

We will be discussing what has been important in driving women forward in their scientific careers, and what advice would they give to others starting their careers in science. The panelists come from a broad range of backgrounds and stages of their careers:

Hannah Deberg (Physics, Graduate Student)
Courtney Sloan (Chemistry, Post-Doc)
Jennifer Fraterrigo (Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor)
Lisa Ainsworth (Plant Biology, Associate Professor)

Date: Tuesday March 6th
Time: 4-6pm
Place: 269 Everitt Lab

Light refreshments will be served.

Thank you, and hope to see you there!

Women In Science Panel Flyer