Women in Science: Panel Discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 30th from 4-6pm in ACES Library Heritage Room

Please join Women in Science as we hold our first panel discussion of the fall semester!

Topic: Alternative Career Paths in the STEM Fields

This panel is meant to help women of all levels, from undergraduates to professionals, make informed decisions at every stage of their career.


Joan Huber –Coordinator, Professional Science Master’s Program
Barbara Hug –Clinical Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Cristina Beldica –Senior Project Manager, Blue Waters Sustained Petascale Computing
Alex Wild –Free lance photographer

Date: Tuesday October 30th
Time: 4-6pm
Place: ACES Library Heritage Room

Thank you, and hope to see you there!

Women In Science Panel3_flyer

We’re On Facebook!

In case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, we are on facebook!

Our academic advisors have set up a page where announcements are made and questions can be asked.  Check it out for updates on what is going on with the school, particularly if you are looking for reminders of those important dates and opportunities for our students.

UIUC Integrative Biology Academic Advisors

In addition, an Integrative Biology group has been created within the “Groups at UIUC” umbrella.  You’ll need a @illinois.edu email to join the community, but it looks to be a great place for students and professors to exchange ideas and advice.

Integrative Biology Group

Groups At UIUC

Lastly, in case you missed it the first time, we have a linked in group.  If you aren’t on linked in yet, get on there.  There’s nothing wrong with a little networking.  That is especially true when you can add some of our world class researchers to your contacts list.

School of Integrative Biology, Linked In

Women in Science: Panel Discussion on Tuesday, April 24th from 4-6pm in Music Room, Levis Center

Please join Women in Science as we hold our second panel discussion!

Topic: Women Don’t Ask: How to become an effective negotiator


Teresa Cardador (Assistant Professor, School of Labor & Employment Relations)

Don Ort (Robert Emerson Professor of Plant Biology)

Alexis Thompson (Director, Postdoctoral Affairs Office)

Sarah Zehr (Assistant Dean and Director, Engineering Career Services)

Do you know what you want for your career, but you are not sure how to get it? How can you make an impression with the right attitude?

This panel is meant to help women of all levels, from undergraduates to professionals, to be confident about communicating what they want, and to become effective negotiators at any stage of their careers.

Date: Tuesday April 24th
Time: 4-6pm
Place: Music Room, Levis Center

Thank you, and hope to see you there!

Flyer for Second WIS Panel

SIB Junior wins Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Stephanie Klein, a junior majoring in Integrative Biology, who has been awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB). Stephanie is one of fifteen students selected in the highly competitive national competition in 2012. She will receive a stipend and research funds to study “Auxin control of Medicago truncatula root development under elevated CO2” over the summer with Dr. Andrew Leakey, as well as support to travel to Providence, RI to present her findings at the annual meeting of ASPB next year.